Monday, May 27, 2013

FALL inspired seasonal projects

seasonal projects - fall
as much as i love to hang on to the nostalgia of summer, i love introducing fall projects to the kids.  unfortunately here in phoenix we don't get much exposure to the "seasons" so i like to inspire my kids with images and art from other parts of the country who do experience one of the most wonderful seasons of all: fall!  as long as you are tying in a learning goal and the standards into your seasonal lessons to avoid that "art just for art's sake" feel - your imagination is limitless.  make these projects meaningful...tie them into previously introduced concepts or segue into a different element of art or essential question...

one source of my autumn inspiration: flagstaff!! i miss the weather changing and the fall trees.  can't beat the beautiful scenery!

here is a kindergarten warm/cool fall tree.  we started with a "Y" shape for the tree, then slowly added branches.  i like to tie technique into this lesson.  we slide our paintbrushes across the cool colored paper (of their choice) and then we learn how to "stamp" the warm, autumn-colored leaves around the branches.  

5th grade aspen trees!  all about technique!  we scrape the black paint across our 9x12, 80lb. paper (you could probably get away with 50lb. paper if that's all you have).  use small pieces of cardboard dipped in black paint to do the scraping.  the next class time, we painted the blue sky, green grass and then stamped on the warm colored leaves.  a very helpful tip from a colleague: every time you get a cardboard box, deconstruct it and cut it up!! very "green" way to use cardboard for a paintbrush :)

kindergarten pumpkin farms. these either turned out GREAT or terrible.  it was a little too difficult for my kinders to grasp the concept of perspective that early in the year.  but so is teaching! experiment, reflect and adjust accordingly.  maybe i can try it with an older grade next year...

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