Friday, July 5, 2013

bittersweet endings!!

pictured above: construction paper crayons - great for dark papers but are really expensive
gallons of primary colors donated along with the light blue tempera artista ii that i LOVE - it mixes better greens than the dark "blue" - ALL DONATED :) i'm in heaven...feelin' really spoiled!!
things have been stressful lately!!  summer school went by way too fast and now i am finding myself trying to organize my classroom supplies to start the upcoming school.  as much as i don't want summer to end, i am really excited to roll up my sleeves and get things rolling in my classroom organization.  

saying good-bye to my summer school students is always hard.  we grow really close in such a short amount of time.  but on the flip-side, my amazing co-worker donated TONS of supplies for the KTA art studio!!! i have SO MUCH paint that i honestly don't know where i'm going to store it...but i guess that is better than not having enough.  i do not think i will need to even purchase paint this year, which leaves my budget open to more expensive luxuries that i don't normally get to purchase due to funding.  

i will try to relax as much as i can before school starts but it is really hard when i practically have an art store warehouse in my small apartment!!! :)

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