Friday, May 24, 2013


bill stone and i, october 2012 college of education - northern arizona university

this is either a little too late or REALLY early...but teacher appreciation is key in having success as an educator.  the most influential people in my life, whether they are teachers or not, have taught me something in an unconventional or inspirational way.  it's great to reflect on those lessons and ask "how are these people influential, how did they teach and why did these experiences stick with me so long?"  for me, bill stone (pictured) was one of the most influential people in my college career.  at many points along my college education i wanted to give up, i just simply thought college was NOT for me.  but he made teaching and learning BEYOND fun; he made it memorable to my experience and applicable to real life experiences.  he gave us tools to problem solve and the confidence to then explain what we just experimented with.  he was my elementary science teacher at norther arizona university and i try to use a little of his teaching tactics in my classroom every day.  humor & positive reinforcement.  thank you bill stone!! 

bill stone has since retired (right after i graduated, phew!!) i am so grateful i have had the chance to get to know this amazing educator, person and man!!

thank you all educators who have inspired me and continue to inspire me on a daily basis!!!

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