Friday, November 1, 2013

learning goals

phew, it's been awhile since i have posted.  just wanted to update a picture of my board that i have in my room sometimes to reference during a lesson.  this year in my district we are required to have learning goals and scales posted at all times and introduce them to the students.  

here is a view of art projects - by grade level - with learning goals next to them tailored to the lesson we are working on.  might look really overwhelming and crammed but it not only helps the kids focus on what the "main goal" is of the helps remind me what i need to emphasize during lessons.  Great visual reminder for us art teachers!!

here is a view of one of my boards altogether.  i have a "coming up" section that the kids LOVE to read when they come to art: it builds curiosity and enthusiasm, it helps link past learning to future learning and it helps me stay organized as well.  

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